Whether your treasure trove includes vintage vinyl, sci-fi figurines, or timeless antiques, displaying them in your living room not only adds personality to your space but also turns your home into a gallery of your interests. Here’s how to elevate your space with the perfect living room display unit for collectables.

Show Off in Style: Choosing the Right Living Room Display Cabinet

Living Room Aesthetics

The living room is where life happens, and adding a living room display unit can transform your space into a vibrant showcase of your favourite collections. With options ranging from classic glass cabinets to customisable display cases, choosing the right fit depends on your personal style and the pieces you're displaying.

Glass Cabinets for Any Living Room

Need something upright and elegant? The TPFL 1000 is our most popular upright glass display cabinet, standing proud at 2 metres tall. Equipped with LED downlights and spotlights, it highlights your collectibles in the most flattering light. Ideal for any corner of your living room, this piece is versatile enough for both a home office and a lively family room. Looking for something bigger? Try the TPFL 1200 or TPFL 2000!

Showfront’s TPFL living room display cabinets range are customisable

Curate Your Treasures: Top Display Units for Collectables

For those who prefer a classic yet flexible approach, the TGL 600 tower display cabinet is a show-stopper. Its transparent design and eco-friendly LED lights ensure that your collectables are the centre of attention, supported by unmatched quality and the potential for customisation.

Some Collectibles with Your Coffee?

Imagine a coffee table that’s more than a place to set your drink and TV remotes. The CT 900 turns your living room centre into a stunning exhibition spot. Perfect for showcasing everything from your Marvel Lego masterpieces to exquisite teacups, this coffee table display case is customisable in colour and size, making it truly yours.

CT900 living room display case from Showfront

Transform Your Space: Living Room Display Units for Collectors

Short on floor space? No problem! The WMC 1200 wall-mounted display cabinet adds flair to your walls without sacrificing valuable square footage. This wall display cabinet offers a secure and stylish way to display your collection up high.

Display Units for Home: Customisation is Key

At Showfront, we understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to display units for your home. Our cabinets are fully customisable, ensuring that you find the perfect match for both your room and collection. Size, colour, lighting – tailor it all! And with our best-price value guarantee, you're assured of getting exceptional value without a shadow of a doubt.

Quality and Craftsmanship

Every Showfront display cabinet is a testament to Australian-made quality, made by expert craftsmen. Our modern display cabinets for living rooms are built to last and delivered fully assembled right to your doorstep. 

Transform Your Living Room with a Display Unit for Collectables

With Showfront’s variety of glass cabinets for living rooms, you can elevate your space with a display setup that celebrates your passions and enhances the decor of your home. Ready to upgrade your living room with a display that’s as unique as your collection? Contact our friendly team on 1300 99 36 36 to customise your dream display unit that blends seamlessly with your home decor.